Tuesday 24 May 2016

Random Acts of Kindness 10 - Giving a card and chocolate to my teacher last year

It's Kaeli here again I have gave this card to my grade 2 teacher because she is very nice I visit her nearly every day because she changed to be a prep teacher she loves chocolate so I got her a cherry ripe. She was so happy she said she would eat a piece and she did.

Random Acts of Kindness 9 - Taking flowers to two nice ladies

Hi as you can see I have two bunches of flowers I handed them out to two very nice ladies. We gave one lady the flower because when we were walking around with Jesse our dog she was so nice and gave us a bone for him.The other lady was for spreading love to everyone who came by and talking to them, so that is why I gave the bunches of flowers out.

Random Acts of Kindness 8 - Leaving chocolates at my neighbour's front door

Hi this is Kaeli. After I got back from Townsville I decided to do some more random acts of kindness so I gave my neighbour Roses the chocolate and a card for her family 

Monday 23 May 2016

Random Acts of Kindness 7 - Giving out caramello koalas at the park

Hi this me and my brother as you can see we are holding a packet of caramello koalas we handed them out to mum and children and we said to the mums happy Mother's Day even though it was yesterday and if you would like to know which park we are at it is at Mott park.The mums were very happy and would tell more people about it and as you may know this is the packet we got from the mail lady.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Random Act of Kindness 6 - Freddo and card to mail lady

hi I am on holiday at Townsville to visit parts of my family.So I thought if I could do some random acts of kindness I turned 8 as well. So I waited for the mail lady when she arrived I quickly ran for the door and gave her the letter.The letter had a freddo frog stuck to it.I told her that I was doing random acts of kindness she said that was very nice of me.😊


Today is a new day I thought that nothing was going to happen so I had my normal breakfast which is boiled eggs and then I had lunch which was pizza it was delicious.😍 So I played on the iPad for a hour  then my cousin told me that the mail lady needed me. I thought my cousin was pranking me so I went outside and the mail lady was there. She said 'please spread more love' I said 'thank you' she gave me a 12 pack of chocolate caramel koala to spread more love. I feel very special.