Saturday 12 September 2015

Random Act of Kindness 5 - Put a nice note on a car

I placed this note a stranger's car.  

Random Act of Kindness 4 - Give a toy to a little girl

We bought a little koala toy at Big W.  We went near the fish pond at Carindale and my mum said "look there is a little girl over there".  My brother Kyle and I went over to her and  I gave the toy to the little girl.  Kyle said to her dad "we are just practicing random acts of kindness".   The dad told the girl to say thank you and she said thank you.  She really liked the toy.  That was our favourite one to do because the girl enjoyed it. 


Friday 11 September 2015

Random Act of Kindness 3 - Give flowers to a lady

We went to Woolworths and picked a yellow and green coloured rose.  It was dyed that colour.  We were searching around for a lady. I wanted it to be a nice old lady sitting all by herself on a seat.  Near the vending machine from the last random act of kindness, we found a lady sitting down near the little kids cars.  Me and Kyle made up what we were going to say and we said it quietly to ourselves.  Kyle gave the flowers to the old lady and I said most of the words like "here is some flowers" .  Then Kyle and I said "we are practising random acts of kindness".  She said "why thank you my darlings".  We ran to our mum and the lady said to our mum "you must be so proud of your kids". 

Random Act of Kindness 2 - Put $2 on a vending machine

At Carindale me and Kyle put 2 dollars in a plastic bag and stuck it on a vending machine.  There were three of the vending machines we stuck it on the middle one which is the second vending machine.  We were so happy.  We ran to our mum and said "we did it we're so happy". Then a few mins later we checked it out it was totally gone. We were so happy we ran down the escalator to our mum.

Random Act of Kindness 1 - Put free lollipops on kid's ride

We went to Carindale I put my lollipop and red  card in a little kids roundabout. I bet they were so surprised to see a lollipop and a card stuck to it especially for them. I wonder if they hid it because there parents wouldn't let him/her or they actually got it and took it home I just wonder.



Today we went to the shop and put a couple lollipops around kids rides. It was very fun. Sadly we did not see their reaction and whether their expression looked like what I was expecting.





Why we have started random acts of kindness

Hi this is Kaeli. I'm 7.  I got an idea from a woman on YouTube she was doing random acts of kindness so when she was turning 20 she wanted to do her birthday differently she was going to do 20 random acts of kindness. We're so excited because we just started.

This is Kyle and we are practising random acts of kindness. Watch this video this women paid for a stranger's coffee that is a nice and kind thing to do. The woman also on her birthday gave balloons to kids and there are way more, I do not want to spoil everything.  In another video we watched a man even paid for some groceries for strangers.