Friday 11 September 2015

Random Act of Kindness 3 - Give flowers to a lady

We went to Woolworths and picked a yellow and green coloured rose.  It was dyed that colour.  We were searching around for a lady. I wanted it to be a nice old lady sitting all by herself on a seat.  Near the vending machine from the last random act of kindness, we found a lady sitting down near the little kids cars.  Me and Kyle made up what we were going to say and we said it quietly to ourselves.  Kyle gave the flowers to the old lady and I said most of the words like "here is some flowers" .  Then Kyle and I said "we are practising random acts of kindness".  She said "why thank you my darlings".  We ran to our mum and the lady said to our mum "you must be so proud of your kids". 

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